Monday, 18 February 2008

Black theology

A helpful article in which Anthony Reddie talks about Black Theology.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

How long, O Lord?

I cannot find words to describe how sickening this is. This is in addition to the almost daily desecration of the site at which Stephen Lawrence was killed.

Article from

Friday, 8 February 2008

Refresher course and retreat

Last week I was in the depths of the Devon countryside (well Torbay) helping lead a district refresher course on managing change and the spirituality of change. It was really helpful for me in the light of all that is changing in the Team I work in and the church in general - to have to do some serious thinking and preparation around the themes of change. It's part of life - we die without it, but we resist it and often find ourselves lost when we are not able to map the change we are involved in. Also we are 'agents' of change - what we do (whoever we are) affects other people, the planet, the whole shooting match - how conscious are we of this? How much do we consider these things before leaping into the next day/thing/adventure/disaster?

Then this week I was in the depths of the Leicestershire countryside at Launde Abbey leading some more Methodist ministers, in their annual retreat. It was lovely to have some space for myself as well as sharing in helping them focus on the places where we find refreshment in the 'wilderness' (or in our ministry/context/neighbourhood etc).

In a rapidly changing world and a church that is at times slow to notice, how do we make time to refresh ourselves and get a glimpse of the bigger picture. (I know I'm mixing metaphors - but who said there was a law against it!)

How do you make a change? Where do you find refreshment?

Thanks to all those at both these events (especially old friends!!) for helping me rekindle some optimism for the future of Methodism.

Monday, 4 February 2008

Daily News

Visit for daily news - UK and Global

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Moreton and James

I laughed till I cried! My friend Peter and his esteemed associate James performed a 'rehearsed reading' of their in development show and it was truly hilarious. I'd had a busy week - good in parts and really lousy in others - and am v. exhausted by there's nothing more uplifting than laughing non stop for 2 hours.

What's made you laugh lately?