Monday 25 June 2007

Tremendous Truro

I had a great time at Truro Methodist Church over the weekend of 16th - 17th June.

they had a flower festival and concerts, craft fair etc.

They have a great choir, praise band, African drum band and a fabulous director of music.

Most importantly though was the sense of people gathering to worship God with joy, love, care and enthusiasm.

Wonderful and uplifting.

Blogging blues

I think blogging is a great idea - there are just a few draw backs.

One is that my life is too full to find enough time telling the world what I'm up to or what I think about all sorts of things.

BUT the blogging thing that really gets my goat is how rude people feel they can be about other people. I'm lucky - I don't get people saying rude things on my little blogs. But I read other blogs where people are mean and disrespectful about other people and other people's ideas, work, looks - you name it.

So I'm pledging to try and be nice on this blog - does that mean no one will read it? Maybe.

But as wiser people have said - if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

What do you think? (Be nice - but disagree if you like!!)