Monday, 7 January 2008


Happy New Year!
Actually I'm not as happy as I might be... boo hoo. Like thousands of others I've had a dreadful fluey cold thing over the new year and still can't get rid. I managed three hours at work today before people kindly ordered me home. I've tried Sudafed, Benylyn, Lemsip, malt whisky (not all in the same glass) and not feeling much better.
Any cures that anyone can suggest (painless preferably) gratefully received.
Also - if you can come up with any way in which this can enhance one's spirituality - do let me know.

On a lighter note (with less mucus involved). Is there something you want to achieve this year?
I want to finish my dissertation, finish making a stained-glass window and learn to ride a bike. This is in addition to the statutory requirements to lose weight, get more exercise, spend more quality time with the kids....

I'm off for a lie down with a Lemsip.


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